Yoga of Panchanga

by | Jun 7, 2023

In the context of Panchanga, “Yoga” refers to the combination or union of specific positions of the Sun and the Moon in the lunar calendar system. It is one of the five main elements of Panchanga, which is an astrological almanac used in Hindu astrology to determine auspicious timings, planetary influences, and other astrological information.

Yoga in specific context of Panchang the Indian calendar

The term “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “union” or “connection.” It signifies the relationship between the Sun and the Moon at a given point in time. There are 27 Yogas in total, each associated with a specific combination of the Sun and the Moon’s positions. This panchang yoga or yog term is not to be confused with generic “Yoga” term which is a widely used term for Yoga asana, yoga of astrology and so on and so forth.

Each Yoga has its own unique qualities and influences, which are believed to affect various aspects of life and activities undertaken during that period. Some Yogas are considered auspicious and favorable for specific actions, while others may be seen as less favorable or challenging.

The calculation of Yogas involves determining the angular difference between the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Depending on this difference, the specific Yoga associated with that particular moment is identified. Each Yoga has a duration of approximately 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac.

Yogas are considered while assessing the overall auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of a given day or time period. They can influence decision-making, timing of important events, and determining favorable or unfavorable periods for various activities.

Astrologers and individuals who follow Hindu astrology often consult Panchangs or astrological calendars that provide information about the daily Yoga, along with other elements like Tithi, Nakshatra, and Karana, to make informed decisions and plan their activities accordingly.


In the Panchang, the astrological almanac used in Hindu astrology, there are 27 Yogas that are associated with specific combinations of the Sun and the Moon’s positions. Each Yoga has its own unique characteristics and influences.

Names of the 27 Yogas of Panchanga Almanac

1 Vishkumbha
2 Preeti
3 Ayushman
4 Saubhagya
5 Shobhana
6 Atiganda
7 Sukarma
8 Dhriti
9 Shoola
10 Ganda
11 Vriddhi
12 Dhruva
13 Vyaghata
14 Harshana
15 Vajra
16 Siddhi
17 Vyatipata
18 Variyan
19 Parigha
20 Shiva
21 Siddha
22 Sadhya
23 Shubha
24 Shukla
25 Brahma
26 Indra
27 Vaidhriti

These Yogas are calculated based on the angular difference between the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Each Yoga represents a particular combination of these positions and is associated with specific qualities and influences.

Astrologers and individuals who follow Hindu astrology often refer to the Panchang to determine the daily Yoga along with other elements like Tithi, Nakshatra, and Karana to plan their activities and make astrologically informed decisions.