Venus Retrograde

Venus retrograde refers to the apparent backward motion of the planet Venus as observed from Earth. Retrograde motion occurs when a planet appears to move in the opposite direction to its usual path across the sky. In reality, this phenomenon is a result of the varying speeds and orbits of Earth and Venus.

During a Venus retrograde period, Venus appears to move backward through the zodiac for a certain duration. Astrologically, Venus is associated with love, relationships, beauty, and harmony. When Venus goes into retrograde, its energies and influences may be experienced differently or may be intensified.

In astrology, Venus retrograde is often considered a time for introspection and reflection on matters related to love, relationships, self-worth, and personal values. It can be a period when unresolved issues in these areas come to the surface, and it’s an opportunity to reevaluate our approach to love and beauty.

Some common themes associated with Venus retrograde include:

Relationship dynamics

Venus retrograde may bring up unresolved issues or challenges in relationships. It can be a time to reassess the balance, values, and communication within partnerships.

Self-esteem and self-worth

This period may prompt us to reflect on our own self-worth, how we value ourselves, and the importance we place on external validation.

Reevaluation of values

Venus retrograde can lead us to question our personal values, what brings us pleasure and fulfillment, and whether our current pursuits align with our authentic desires.

Past connections

It’s common for past romantic interests or relationships to resurface during Venus retrograde. This can provide an opportunity to revisit unresolved emotions and gain closure.

Astrologers often recommend using Venus retrograde as a time for self-care, self-reflection, and working on healing and strengthening relationships. It’s advised to avoid making significant relationship decisions or starting new ventures in love and finance during this period, as the energies can be more unpredictable and introspective.

Please note that astrology is a subjective and interpretive practice, and individual experiences during Venus retrograde may vary. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional astrologer for a personalized analysis of how Venus retrograde may influence your specific birth chart.

Venus retrograde refers to the apparent backward motion of the planet Venus in its orbit around the Sun, as observed from Earth. Retrograde motion is an optical illusion that occurs when a faster-moving planet, such as Earth, overtakes a slower-moving planet, such as Venus. During this time, Venus appears to move backward in the sky for a certain period before resuming its normal forward motion.

Astrologically, Venus retrograde is often associated with themes related to love, relationships, beauty, and personal values. It is believed to be a time of reflection and reassessment in these areas of life. Some people who follow astrology may pay attention to Venus retrograde and consider its potential influence on their experiences and decisions, particularly in matters of the heart and aesthetic pursuits. However, it’s important to note that the interpretation of astrological events and their impact varies among individuals and astrologers.


Here is Venus retrograde periods that occurred Since 2020:

Year | Start Date | End Date

2000 | March 23 | April 30
2001 | March 19 | April 27
2002 | May 17 | June 29
2003 | May 17 | June 29
2004 | July 25 | September 8
2005 | December 24 | February 2 (2006)
2007 | July 27 | September 8
2009 | March 6 | April 17
2010 | October 8 | November 18
2011 | May 15 | June 27
2012 | May 15 | June 27
2015 | July 25 | September 6
2017 | March 4 | April 15
2018 | October 5 | November 16
2020 | May 13 | June 25

Please note that these dates are based on the Gregorian calendar and may vary slightly depending on the time zone and the exact location of observation.